Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Slovenia: I'm a little bit country, I'm a little bit rock and roll

Ljubljana. That's loob-lee-ah-nah for you non Slovenian speakers.
Slovenia was great! Well, at least the parts I saw were nice. It's kind of like a cross between Germany and Italy, although I guess that describing a country soley by comparing it to other countries is kind of lazy so suffice it to say that Slovenia has Alps, good gelato, good coffee, and things are fairly clean and well-organized. It's a land of hay racks, bee keeping, and Donald Trump's wife.
Now folks, I think that my hometown is pretty great, and you probably think yours is, too. And we may be right, but let me ask you this: does your hometown have a chandelier in its main intersection? (And no, old Christmas lights left over from last year do not count)

Above: Chandelier in intersection; houses on the river; Dragon Bridge; cat in restaurant (we had a lovely candle-lit dinner but I haven't heard from him since. Typical.)

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