Wednesday, November 22, 2006


A cold night in Vernazza (Cinque Terre). Inspired by the land of great art (Italy), the girls contemplate the meaning of life...namely, how much longer until the restaurants open for the dinner hour?

After an afternoon of wine and olive oil tasting, the ladies decide it would be a good idea to hit the Irish Pub in Siena. Hilarity ensues.

Uh...following a climb up 400 stairs in the Cinque Terre, Esie demonstrates her ability to remove her bottom layer of clothing without scandalizing the villagers. We can't post what Em did.


Anonymous said...

what did you do to em?!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just got done going through much of your blog and greatly enjoyed the pictures and your comments. You are so brave and I just think it's cool all that you are seeing. I laughed when you mentioned the waffles and peanut butter. That is one of my daughter Jessie's favorites. Sandy wants to know if you wore an Armani dress to Tom Cruise's wedding. We watched the news but didn't see you there. We're leaving for Cozumel this Fri. in Serina's suitcase. Thought we would leave the pt. in 14 in charge while we are gone. The next big Europe event we'll meet you there. Hope you have fun with your Mom and have a wonderful Christmas! Are the girls you travel with someone you met there or are they friends from here? Take care and we'll keep track of you through your blog. Friends, Maureen and Sandy.

Anonymous said...

Since Monica seems to be MIA since the 22nd (I think perhaps the beast landed on her and she hasn't been able to get out from under it yet), let me quickly answer Maureen and Sandy's question for those of you who don't know us. Emily and I are friends of Monica's from Luther. We were in Italy 2 weeks to visit Monica and keep her company. If you can't tell from the pics and posts, we had a blast! We miss you Monica! Love, Esie

moni said...

Thanks, Esie, for the explanation. I've been blog-handicapped for the last week or so.
In fact, Mo and Sandy, I had planned to wear Aramani for the Tomkat wedding , but it seems that Catherine Zeta-Jones had the same dress, so I had Vera Wang whip me up a quick little number.
Have a nice trip in Serina's suitcase. Probably more roomy in there than flying coach! I'm sure that your choice for who's in charge will be appropriate as usual.