Sunday, June 07, 2009

More Duomo

The inside of the Duomo isn't really as exciting as the outside. Most of the artwork and sculptures have been moved to a museum for one reason or another (apparently they had a big flood here in the 60s). I do like the floor, though.

Oh yeah, and the inside of the dome is pretty impressive. It's a rendering of The Last Judgement by Vasari. See that figure at about 5:00 near the center encircled by golden light? That's Jesus. The jumbled, reddish mess around the bottom of the scene is a graphic display of condemned souls writhing in Hell. I like to imagine being a peon church-goer in the late 1500s (when this was painted), staring up at the ceiling during the sermon, seeing Jesus sitting on his judgement throne, seeing demons torture the damned, and thinking, "Have I been behaving myself? Do I trust the structural integrity of this dome?"

Got this close up of "weeping and gnashing of teeth" when I climbed the dome.

I have a thing for Gothic churches and the freaky faces one can usually find decorating their interiors. The Duomo doesn't have a whole lot, but there were a few good goblins on the side altars.

Treasures carved in the portico around one of the southern doors:

"Does it feel cold? Is it as smooth as it looks? What did they use to carve the little toes on that bird? This is so cool!"
P.S. Amy, there's your Florentine insect.

1 comment:

Anonamis said...

Now chip that off and bring it back for me.