Speaking of towns with carbonated beverages named after them, we passed through Bitburg just a short time later. That’s right, home of Bitburger beer and, I’m guesstimating, approximately 2500 “Bitte, ein Bit!” signs, coasters, napkins, and beer steins. Per capita.
Well, I'm leaving Cologne for a while and moving on to Trier, a city in the Mosel river valley, close to the Germany/Luxembourg border. Trier was founded as a Roman town in 16 BC, making it Germany's oldest city (apparently, it had already been the site of a Celtic settlement for hundreds of years). It is also home to the oldest Christian church in Germany and the largest intact Roman structure outside of Rome. But enough with the superlatives, let's start with the first you see when entering the city center:
The Porta Nigra (Black Gate) is the only surviving gate of the original Roman town wall. I know, it looks and sounds like something from The Lord of The Rings. I have many theories about that, which I will keep to myself for now.
Um, welcome...to Trier. *Thunderclap*
I'm pretty sure the Porta Nigra loves to vamp up its stoney toothiness on rainy days like this.
Ooooh, the Black Gate at night! Spooky!
OK, that actually looks kind of nice.
Trier's Market Square is just down the main drag from the Porta Nigra and definitely has a different atmosphere. Lots of people-watching and architecture-gazing going on here.
By night.
One centerpiece of the square is St. Peter's fountain. It's been holding down the fort since 1595 and is ringed on the bottom by four female statues that represent cardinal virtues.
I think the ladies achieve full volume in the night light:
for some reason that night shot of the marktplatz looks sooo... empty. maybe because there isn't a graphic view of your ear canal in the foreground.. otherwise it looks almost as lovely as the wasatch mountains with SNOW still on the tops!
I bet it's actually "Prudence Jo"..."Prudy" for short, of course.
Em-sorry, my ear was a little camera shy this trip. Maybe next time :) I know, I love how empty/different places like this can look at night, even with 20 or so people rattling around. Needless to say, I am envious of your mountain view.
A.a.- That's exactly what I thought! (surprise, surprise). Oh Prudy, so cute with her snake and missing right forearm!
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