Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Treasure Chest

You are so beautiful to me: the Rosetta Stone
sorry, I've been trying to get the Parthenon pictures on for an hour and they won't upload. I've had enough. Maybe later

I went to two other fantastic museums in London. The first was actually the "treasures" room in the British Library. It's basically a bunch of old books on display. Ok, that's the understatement of the year. They have two Guttenburg Bibles, one of Leonardo DaVinci's notebooks, a hand-written copy of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures Underground," an autographed composition draft of Handel's "Messiah," the Golden Haggadah (a gorgeous illustrated Passover prayer book from the 1300s), and the Codex Sinaiticus (the earliest manuscript of the complete New Testament from around 350 AD). And much, much, much more! Needless to say, I really liked the British Library. Again, I don't have any pictures. But for those nerds who would like to see what I'm talking about, the British Library website has a feature where you can virtually leaf through some of their most prized books:
P.S.-they also have a hand-written draft of the lyrics to "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" by some dude name Paul McCartney.

And now for the motherload of all treasure hunts: the British Museum. This place is like a scrapbook of the history of human civilization. Mummies?-check. Rosetta Stone?-check. Parthenon sculptures?-check. Assyrian carvings?-check. Stuff from Ur?-yeah, we still haven't figured a lot of this stuff out yet, but check. Aztec masks?-check. Buddhist statues?-yep. Collection of art by big names like Michaelangelo and Rembrandt?-but of course.

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