Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Another lovely day for a swim

Here we have some pictures from Fanore Beach. My preconceived notion of an Irish beach was something cold, rocky, windy, and misty. But as you can see, it was a beautiful day! Quite a few people there, too (despite what it looks like in the photo). Lots of families, people trying to learn how to surf, fun stuff!
The other picture is from when we went for a little stroll up Croagh Patrick. Also gorgeous weather. Ok, yeah. I'm not really sure what a Croagh is. I don't believe it was tall enough to be a was bigger than your average hill with lots of grass, rocks, a stream, and a couple of monks live on top of it. I'll find out the precise definition of croagh, don't worry.


moni said...

I stand corrected. Apparently it is a mountain. Way to go, Monica, you knowledge void. But I DO remember that St. Patrick is said to have banished the snakes from Ireland here, and people make barefoot pilgrimages here once a year. That sentence was really awkwardly worded. Wait...did I spell awkward correctly?...I'm going to stop commenting now.

moni said...

Yes, Mom, that's my footprint. :)

Anonymous said...

I think "knowledge void" would have been much better as "crusty botch of nature".