Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I just like this one

Killarney National Park


Anonymous said...

Hey Moni, Sounds like you are having a great time, even when you were being nostalgic and thinking about us poor night shift people. I must not have been working the night you and Patty had your concert with Bon Jovi, I am sorry I missed it. Mo is saying that she can picture the places you are speaking of in Ireland, her mother grew up on Marsden Gardens, by the water works. We are all jealous of you but we do enjoy your blog. Take care of yourself. Jo

moni said...

Thanks, Jo! yes, i think that incident went down the last weekend i worked. from what i remember, the b-pod was....yeah. and the a-pod was...hmmmm.
say hi to the gang for me! (who's driving to perkins tonight?)