Sunday, July 09, 2006

Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest...

Probably the same flights of angels that were belting out the hallelujah chorus when I got upgraded to Business Class. (Yes, I'm still raving about that. Seriously. Fully reclining seats with legrests, people!) Anyway, the bottom picture is Trinity Church in Stratford where Shakespeare is buried. Last night was a treat because I got to see a performance of Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Shakepeare Theatre! I suppose you could say that this performance was miles away from a lackluster reading in High School English class, but you know what? I still wait for the same favorite parts that I had in Mrs. Springer's class. One of the German students sitting in front of me sobbed through the last half hour of the play. I was touched.

The hardest part of today: talking myself out of spending $16 on a set of Shakespearen insult magnets. To make up for my lack of magnets, I've commited my favorite insult to memory and plan to integrate it seamlessly into my everyday conversation. That's right. I got a kick out of the touristy Shakespeare souveniers, thou crusty botch of nature!


Anonymous said...

Hi Moni

First, thanks so very much for the wedding gift. I went to write a thank you note and figured it would be quite some time before I could send it to a permanent address. You look great and are having a blast, I know. Just remember...prune juice tastes great! Love, Starr

Anonymous said...

Hi Moni

I tried to post a comment and it didn't let me, so I am trying again. Thanks so much for the wedding present. I love it!!!!!! Adam has let me take over the soap. It smells too much like girl :-) So, you look great and it sounds as if you are having a blast and a half. Keep it up!

Remember that prune juice tastes great. Drink a glass for me :-)



Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having so much fun. I love the commentary and all of the pictures. Keep it coming...

moni said...

Hey, Starry! I've been putting that journal to good use-writing all sorts of scandalous stuff in it! If I locate some prune juice, I'll be sure and have a glass for you...mmmmmm

moni said...

Of course the Mrs. Springer comment was a direct shout-out to you, Steph ;)