Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I'm looking for a modest home in the country...

So here's where I was crowned ultimate and eternal queen of Conwy castle. I plan doing some dramatic, but tasteful redecorating. Don't worry, there will be plenty of space for guests.

I wonder: if the first inhabitants of this castle saw it today, would they be heartbroken to see it as a shell with weeds and tourist litter in the King's Hall? Or would they be shocked that there is anything left of it at all.


Anonymous said...

I've always known that there's a castle with your name on it somewhere, and of course this one has a wing for the honored parents of Your Highness, right?

Anonymous said...

So, if you need someone to come in and dust the place , or scrub out potion bottles...just give me a jingle!

moni said...

I actually have a private suite set aside for you, Laura-darling. I would probably need help with the dusting, though, as the floors are...dirt.