Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I have arrived!

Well, here I am in the good old UK. In the last 24 hours, I have packed up all of my earthly possesions, moved out of my apartment, said goodbye to my roommate, my cat, and my family, and dragged my luggage around for what must be approaching 12 frillion miles. Got here this morning at 5:30 am, and so far so good-except I really need to shower! So when I checked in for my flight in Minneapolis, the ticket agent said, "For just $458.01, you can upgrade to business class," and I didn't because, hey, it was $400. But then I got to the gate in Chicago, and they upgraded me for free on my transatlantic flight! Awesome! For those of you who have never flown business or first class (I hadn't), it's the best! I reclined the whole way, drank champagne, had filet mignon for dinner, and watched, like, 20 movies. I'm spoiled for life now. Much more to say, but the internet cafe is really hot, and I haven't eaten for....a while.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you have arrived. I have been thinking about you. So reclining, champagne, and filet mignon huh? Sounds like the way to fly to me. Also this is a neat site and way to keep up on your adventure. Love Jo

moni said...

Thanks, Jo! I'm thinking of you guys, too. Yeah, I had a footrest on my seat! AND I got a goodie bag with slippers, an eyemask, toothbrush/toothpaste,and lotion. Obviously, I'm still very impressed with my little flight in business class :)