Tuesday, July 18, 2006

When Irish eyes are smiling

So, Ireland....where to start! Got here Friday and bopped around Dublin for a few days. Had some Irish stew, had some Guiness, met some lovely Irish people. Monday I started a bus tour that's making a big loop from Dublin to the West coast, South, and then back to Dublin. So far so good-except it's warm! Ok, it's not Minnesota in August weather, but it is pretty sticky. I'm getting to go to a lot of places that I wouldn't have been able to get to by myself. And I've met some really nice people. These pictures are from last night in a pub in Westport, which is kind of in the Northwest corner of the Republic of Ireland. Musicians just basically show up in certain pubs at night and have these jam sessions where make an impromptu band and play traditional Irish tunes.

The man in the first picture came in and charmed the pants off of everybody by singing and telling jokes for about half an hour. Then he turned his attention on the baby and really found a captive audience. The other picture was kind of an accidental shot, but I kind of like the way it turned out. It's hard to capture the movement that comes with a live performance in just one shot.


Anonymous said...

Hey Monica! I am just working a night shift and was thinking about you. Sounds like you are having a blast! Take care and keep in touch. Joni

Anonymous said...

Hey, its supposed to be 102 here today, with 80% humidity! don't talk to me about "Minnesota in August!!" anyway, typical kansas weather, but you're all the way in friggin Ireland, so it shouldn't concern you....I'm so jealous - can you tell? ;p

Anonymous said...

Hi Mon!!! I miss you so much! Looks like you are having a smashing good time. You better. So glad to hear you drank a Guiness upon arriving to Ireland. I hope that's not all you drank. Don't know if you heard, but Ryannon got R's job on 54! (Yippee!) and Erin had her baby! See...we've been productive since you left.

Well friend, here's to safe travels for the rest of the week. Followed by a huge hug! ---Starr

p.s. Did you find the prune juice? Or, is it missing?

moni said...

Hey, Joni! I think about you guys on the night shift a lot, because it's morning here when you guys would be going to work. Good to hear from you!

moni said...

Ok, Kansas weather does trump Minnesota in Summer. But you love the humidity, right Lisa?

Hey Starr, saw some Sunsweet in the store yesterday and thought of you...aren't you flattered? :)

Congratulations, Ryannon!!! I had my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Whoa Moni--I stumbled on your blog when I was at Steph and Jamie's. It looks like you are having a wonderful time! I am so happy for you. I'm going to be checking this out now that I know it's here! Have fun! Lugene

moni said...

Lugene! Great to hear from you! Hope all is well for you in Montana! Hmm, maybe you and my mom could form a "daughters abroad" support group. Looks like Steph and Jamie are doing terrific!

Anonymous said...

Hey Monica, We miss you. I got back from my vacation in Park Rapids so have a lot of your blog to catch up on but the little I have seen makes me lonesome for Ireland. I have been to all the places you mentioned and just loved them. Mom grew up in Belfast. Vacationed up at PortRush(SP) Did you go back to the Carrick a rede rope bridge? She crossed that as a young girl. I loved the Giants Causeway. The Antrim coast was beautiful but I really didn't like driving the terribly skinny roads! My favorite was the west coast. Did you make it up to the cliffs of Mohr(SP)? Did you go to Sligo? The Dingle Pennisula was so cool! Did you see Blarney Castle? How about the Waterford Crystal factory? You maybe told us all this but I haven't had time to read it all yet. I hope you continue to have a wonderful time. I'm so geslous! Love Maureen